Replacement Tags are really useful when we are working Livelink Forms and Workflows. We can use replacement tag to display logged-in user information in a form or to get attribute and form values or use it for workflow related values like work id, workflow title, etc.
Lets start with the Form Replacement Tag :
I want to display information about the logged in user when I open my form. Lets see how we can achieve it.
An sample Form Template is shown below. I want the username and the email id to pre-populate when I open the form.
My first step is I export my template in HTML format using Export As HTML and edit the value attribute of my input tags (as shown in Fig 2). I can add this edited HTML as an HTML View to the template and create forms to store data in Livelink or initiate workflows.
When I open my form. My name and my email Id is pre-populated from the KUAF Table.
Useful KC link on this topic. :)
Dynamic Replacement Tags : Let take the example and understand the tags. When I click Apply button for the form shown above I initiate a workflow with the name Workflow ID -<Username>_<Office Location>_<Initaition Date>
- <WorkID /> to show the unique ID associated to the workflow
- <DataType_1_4_1_Username /> to get the name from the form
- <DataType_1_4_1_Office Location /> to specify the Office Location specified by the user in the form.
- <InitiatedDate /> to shows the date
- <Initiator />
- <InitiatedDate />
- <WorkflowTitle />
- <ParentTitle />
- <SubInitiatedDate />
- <WorkID />
- <InitiatorMail />
To use Form Attributes, we can use the the tag <DataType_1_4_FormId_AttrName />
To get the form Id, go the the Forms tab in workflow setting page and click on Edit. The URL in the address bar has the unique form id associated to a particular form eg: http://livelink/livelink/livelink.exe?func=formwfpaint.FormEdit&MapID=1234567&FormID=1&nextURL=...
To get workflow attribute is easy just use the tag <DataType_1_3_AttrName />
We can use these tags to define step names, to give instructions, or to/body field of a process step.
An useful link from KC.
Best place to get the placeholder is the Livelink Help section 'XML Workflow Extensions'
Learning by example
We have a form template with attributes called username, email id, office location. We also have a Set added to the template which has three attributes called House No, Street Name and ZIP Code.
This form template is added to the workflow with the name Initiation Form.
This form template is added to the workflow with the name Initiation Form.
An sample Email step body field may look like this
Very useful article...
ReplyDeletevery useful article. Thanks for it.
I have a question about the initiator. I am trying to assign the initiator name to a input element with the placeholder - [LL_Initiator /] ? The placeholder is replaced with blank text, but I expect a valid name. Can you help, please ?
Thanks in advance.
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